Welcome to the
Speaker Promotional Center!

Thank you so much for participating in Unlock Your New Vision! The event will be LIVE on January 6th, so let’s get the word out!

Here’s how to use the Speaker Promotional Center:

First, click on your name below to copy and save YOUR affiliate link and promotional graphic. You’ll need to use your affiliate link in your email and social media promotions!

In the following sections, you will find content for your solo promotional emails, and copy to use on social media promotions. Click between the tabs to find the content you like the most, then simply copy and paste! Don’t forget to insert your affiliate link!

Your Affiliate Links & Graphics

Click your name below and copy YOUR affiliate link and right-click and save your promotional graphic.

Please only use your custom link for promotions. This will help us track our collective efforts as well as inform us of any issues impacting engagement that we need to change during the promotional period.

You can use your promotional graphic in your social media posts, solo email, newsletter blast, and wherever else you want to promote!

Aimee Leigh

Affiliate Link:

Anna Kowalska

Affiliate Link:

Carrie Robson

Affiliate Link:

Jane Applegath

Affiliate Link:

Jimmy Hays Nelson

Affiliate Link:

Joe Sweeney

Affiliate Link:

Lauren Brollier

Affiliate Link:

Patricia Barnett

Affiliate Link:

Randy Dewey

Affiliate Link:

Rebecca Whitman

Affiliate Link:

Social Media Promotions

Long Social Media Blurbs
(Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram)

Ready for MORE?
Are you ready for the next incredible life chapter to begin?
Do you want this year to be your best year so far?

I want to see that for you too!

This is why I have joined a group of thought leaders who have been invited to speak on Vision. A dynamic, personally aligned vision, is the beginning of all great results. It’s a strategic plan for a great life. Without one, we flounder and create by default instead of deliberately.

How can you create a powerful vision that compels you to step into your best year yet, or into the highest level you have yet lived? Why is starting with Vision important? How do I find my own true vision?

Join me and a panel of dynamic experts and set a direction of 2022 that finally matches your true greatness and potential. Click the link for your free ticket to this one day live, online event. [Insert affiliate link here]

Where there is no vision, the people will perish…Proverbs 29:18

We have often heard this verse spoken. A life without a prophecy, without a vision, without direction, without education…is unguided and unfocused.

Join me the first week of January with a group of thought leaders and create a powerful Vision for 2022, so you can be the high-level contributor and creator you came here to be. All great things start with a great Vision. Join us and set yourself up for the best year of your life! Click the link, be my guest and receive the gift of a focused start to a powerful year. [Insert affiliate link here]

Are you tired of floundering around being painfully AVERAGE? Are you sick of seeing years going by without pursuing your dream, your giftedness, what satisfies your soul? Are you ready for a really dynamic, compelling year?

I have been invited by Anne Klein, to speak at a live event January 6th, to help talented, gifted beings like you, create a Vision for 2022, that engages and excites your spirit and being. If you have the feeling you are meant for more than you have experienced, this event is for you.

I have a complimentary ticket for you. Join me and 10 other thought leaders for: Unlock Your New Vision: Strategies to find your true vision, so you can create a compelling next chapter. Click the link and I will see you there! [Insert affiliate link here]

Short Social Media Blurbs

Want to start 2022 with a fresh, powerful VISON that propels you to have the best year of your life? Join me and a group of thought leaders, live online January 6th, and get help generating YOUR New Vision so you can create a compelling next chapter! Click the link for your free ticket. [Insert affiliate link here]

Want to get a dynamic Start to 2022? Join me and Anne Klein for a live, online Vision building event and set the trajectory for the best year of your life! Click the link! I reserved a FREE ticket for you. [Insert affiliate link here]

You’ve heard of 2020 Vision… Join me and other thought leaders for a live event, to help you create a powerful and compelling 2022 VISION that will draw you into your Greatest Chapter yet. [Insert affiliate link here]

Solo Promotional Email

Be sure to update the placeholder text and insert YOUR affiliate link in the underlined text!
Please also include the banner or your speaker graphic.

Subject options:

  • Save the Date! [Private Invitation Enclosed]
  • [RSVP] ☀️ I reserved a complimentary ticket for you!
  • [RSVP] ❤️ I reserved a complimentary ticket for you!
  • [Save the Date!] Develop 20/2..2 Vision

Email body:


As a fluid creator who loves to engage in what I envision, I know how tough and painful it can be when you are stuck in that painful space between doing what looks right and feels responsible…and what makes you feel ALIVE!

I remember when… [include a personal story]

That’s why I was intrigued and excited when my friend Anne Klein contacted me about participating in an interview series she was hosting around her personal research on what keeps people in the pain of not living the life they truly want.

With 2022 upon us and the end of another year, I have created a one day live online event called: Unlock Your New Vision: Strategies to Reveal your True Vision so you can Create a Compelling Next Chapter.

I have a complimentary ticket for you to attend. Click here to register. You can participate from your home, office or anywhere.

This is for high level people who are not achieving the things they desire or living the life they know they came here for. It is for visionaries and achievers who are ready to break out of the mundane and accomplish the things they envision and dream of.

12 experts are coming together to share ideas and strategies that come from their life’s work and experience, all with a keen interest in helping others live the dynamic life they envision and crave.

I have a complimentary ticket for you to attend. You can click here to register. Watch this and participate from your home, office or anywhere.

This is a powerful opportunity for anyone who is NOT living the life they feel they are meant to, are feeling the pain of misalignment, and are ready to create a new compelling vision for 2022.

This is something I wish I had when I was in my early 20’s, to release disempowering paradigms that were already effecting my outcomes and my direction, and why I am so happy to be producing it for you now. It is never too late to enjoy the satisfaction that comes from freeing up your Master Creator within.

You can register for Unlock Your New Vision here.
