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102.Alignment or Mis-Alignment

May 10, 2024 | Uncategorized

Hey, this is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

This week we’re talking about integrity, alignment, feeling your way, advocating for yourself, getting yourself in the right places where feeling this alignment, and using the misalignment as information, as feedback, so you can decide if your rules and structures are set up in your favor or if your being is telling you that the environment or situation you’re in isn’t in alignment and you don’t misinterpret that information.

Earlier this week we talked about noticing if you’re in alignment, if you are passive in your life, or advocating for what’s best for you.

I had you engage in meditative techniques to align your mind and your heart, your thinking, your brain, so you wouldn’t be confused about the voices and the signals that you’re getting from within.

I still do it after years and years.

It’s part of your daily practice in meditating.

You connect with your authentic being.

You connect with your groundedness.

I give you tools and techniques.

A next great step is to notice when you are not feeling in alignment with things going on around you and within you, going on throughout the day.

Feel the difference between when you are in alignment and not, when you are peaceful and happy, and when something’s going on that isn’t gelling with you.

There is an internal mechanism that you’ve been given that is navigational.

It’s feedback.

What is it about?

Today I’m asking you to look at the message you are getting when feeling misaligned.

Is it that you have created a rule?

Are you about to create a rule or a structure that part of you is not interested in following?

Perhaps you decide you are not going to eat sweets anymore.

You make that as a rule for yourself.

Part of you loves sweets so you’re feeling a misalignment already.

It’s like having a negotiation.

Not that you’re going to sell out, but you are going to work with the part of you that’s balking and squawking about what you are deciding so you can get in alignment.

You can come up with a way, if you feel like it’s important for your health, for example.

You can come up with a rationale, an understanding, a way you can have buy-in so you are in alignment with the decision that you are making.

Years ago, when I was in a large group, we connected and we would make agreements.

It was part of an opportunity for learning and growing.

The whole group was agreeing.

And I was tired.

The group was tired.

They were agreeing on our next course of action.

Something that we would all commit to.

I did not want to speak up.

I wasn’t in alignment.

Everybody was tired.

It was late.

Part of me knew that I wasn’t on board.

Part of me was saying,

“You can agree to this.”

And so I agreed to it.

Because I wasn’t fully committed.

I didn’t write it down.

I didn’t note it.

I didn’t put it on the calendar.

I didn’t fully say yes to it.

And I did not follow it.

Ultimately, I was a weak link in the agreement in the group.

I can also go to other instances where there were much bigger implications.

Like going along with being connected and staying in the relationship with a person I felt uncomfortable with, eventually not speaking up and marrying the person.

I had many beautiful experiences but ultimately ended up divorcing person.

The reason I’m telling you this is these little misalignments are important information not to pass on.

You are the one who knows.

Nobody else would know that you are feeling a misalignment.

You do.

The more you steep yourself in the groundedness of a meditation, or a heart appreciation exercise, the easier you hear when you are not in alignment.

You get to consider it because you’re uncomfortable with it.

The discomfort provides feedback that’s important.

You get to discuss it internally.

If you are going against yourself, misaligning, that is a definite reason for taking coaching, or getting therapy, having a conversation, oreading a book, so you can make a shift.

It’s much more complex than this, but I’m keeping it simple.

It starts tiny.

It starts with you knowing.

It’s something that’s being talked about.

If it’s being talked about repeatedly and you’re uncomfortable with it, what are you staying there for?

Why are you staying?

If it’s not working for you, why are you staying?

Why are you exposing yourself to misalignment?

I could liken it to when a family is living underneath the high power lines crossing through the country.

Those families have a higher rate of cancer.

There’s a vibration going on that’s not in alignment with their health.

They are constantly standing in it.

If you read Louise Hay’s book on healing your life, she talks about all the misalignments and what they create.

Often the big misalignments create cancers.

Today you get to audit.

You get to pay attention.

You get to know.

You get to make a list of the red flags going up and start to have a deeper conversation with yourself, if you wish.

For today, today, document if you are in aligned or not.

There are strong messages for you, for your direction in that misalignment.

Get accustomed to noting throughout the day how many times, under what circumstances, you are feeling that part of you doesn’t agree.

Sending you big love.

Have a great, beautiful day.