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105 Face your Fear. Do It.

May 10, 2024 | Uncategorized

Hey, this is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

This week we are constantly expanding and we’re talking about the topic of fear.

We’re talking about what your next chapter or level looks like, and fear.

It’s bubbling up in my community right now.

I’ll tell you a story that will reveal some things about the process that I want you to take.

A few months ago, as I started to think about actually putting in an offer on a large property next to me at SpiritRiver, which I talk about regularly because it’s the next big project I’m working on in my life, so I’m using all of my techniques on this project, I found myself feeling fearful.

Even before that, I had a project, a goal that I set in a leadership container (a high-level transformation program I was a participant in).

I set out to make $100,000, to gather, to acquire $100,000 no matter how I created it, in three months.

I had never done that.

It was a big, risky, stretchy thing for me.

And I accomplished it!

I learned some things as I did that stretch.

And now here I was ready to consider putting an offer in on this property.

I was scared.

I could feel it bubbling up into my throat chakra because I wasn’t saying what I needed to.

It was congesting my throat chakra.

I don’t know a lot about chakras, but I could feel it in there.

I could feel it stifled right there at the top of my chest, under my throat, at the base.

Finally, I asked myself, like I did in the previous example I just shared with you, “What are you scared of?”

I had to sit with that for a while because sometimes people just say, “I’m scared! I’m scared, I’m scared.”

They don’t ask themselves what they are scared of, so it just sits there and gets bigger and bigger and bigger.

So the first thing I want you to do is face it.

Ask yourself, “What am I scared of?”

Make a list of those things.

I was scared of failing, of course, but the detail in that fail (Just saying scared of failing, that’s not enough. Let’s go deeper there.).

What was I scared of?

Well, I was scared of putting a bunch of money down and then starting to pay the money and then maybe things not going right.

“What if they don’t go the way I think, or I don’t know and I don’t have access to the money that I need to continue paying, and then I default and I lose everything?”  because that’s the worst-case scenario.

I lose it (the land) and I lose the money with it.

After this internal dialogue, the part of me who heard the answer to that said, “Yeah, well, so what?”

“Is that the worst thing?”

“If that’s the worst thing, then wouldn’t it be worth it to try it?”

Because to me, what if I don’t?

Okay, so I can take all the pressure off as if I’m having one of those internal conversations with a part of myself.

Again, I’ve split my personality and there are two people at the table here talking, one is my fear and one is just me, me, my authentic me.

So my curious, authentic me decided that, “So what if you lose the money?”

“Because what if we don’t try this thing?”

“What if we don’t attempt this thing?”

“How are we going to feel then?”

And for me, not attempting is the bottom line.

If I don’t try something that’s been suggested to me, by me or by God, by the quantum field, by that energy that is so felt, if I don’t try something that I’ve felt around me, in that interactive energy, if it keeps getting put in front of me and I keep ignoring it, and then I get a whiff of it and pursue it and I find out how glorious it is, then do nothing with it, THAT is the epitome of the worst thing that can happen to me, that I finish this life existence and I haven’t tapped it all!

Just think about that.

When you pass on ideas, you are going to leave with your tank not empty, ideas and possibilities not having been harvested, tried, experimented with, rolled around with, or played with.

Once I discovered that’s the worst thing that can happen to me, then I realized I’m free to move forward.

It released a lot of things.

There are other things too that I keep discovering because if (when) I feel fear again, I look into it further and there’s another level in there.

There is also fear of the unknown.

“What happens if I don’t know what to do next?”

That’s my other fear.

Then I can look at that and a lot of times fears are not rational.

If I look at that question, I have never run out of the next thing to do.

That’s why I emphasize for you to always do the next thing that’s available.

You might not know what to do 10 steps forward, but you know what to do next.

You always know what to do next.

So I’m going to unpack this further during the week.

But chew on this for today and start digging into what your fear is.

Have a beautiful day.

Sending you love.