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 277 I Challenge You

Aug 29, 2023 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching on the Go ending a week of talking about asking for more.

It’s your birthright to ask for more and to become more.

Asking for more allows you to seek fulfillment, happiness, and life satisfaction.

It acknowledges your desires, ambitions and drives you towards the richer, meaningful life that you came here to live.

Your potential is limitless.

When you ask for more, you tap into your capacity for personal and professional growth

Continually evolving into the best version of yourself.

As you seek more, you have the opportunity to contribute more to your community, society, world, and family.

Your aspirations can lead to positive change and make a lasting impact in your world.

Your quest for more inspires others to dream bigger.

It can foster a culture of growth

-A place where it’s okay to be bigger and ask for more.

-A place where innovation is part of your daily world.

That resourcefulness, creativity, joy, and the understanding that you’re a master creator is constantly available.

Asking for more honors you and your unique desires and passions.

It honors you, your unique desires, and your passions.

It enables your authenticity.

Because as you ask for more, it calls you into your authentic resourcefulness.

And then out of that, spurs your unique contribution to this world.

Your pursuit of more it cultivates resilience because as you go through this creative process, you get to experience all the feels and possibilities and ways of being that show up when you are an explorer.

The challenges, strength of character, and journey that people talk about are so much more important than the actual attainment of the vision.

You get to experience that.

And your life story becomes a testament to the power of dreaming big, asking big and asking for more.

You leave behind a legacy of inspiration for your family, for the people around you, and for your community.

In essence, when you ask for more, that is your authentic birthright.

It acknowledges your innate worthiness and the endless possibilities that life offers.

It’s a fundamental step towards a life of growth, satisfaction and positive impact.

What are you here for, if not to ask for more?

I hope this week has been a great review and a great license for you to be FREE. 

To just be a creator in your world.

To break free of the structures that keep you feeling like you’re asking maybe for too much,

To just go for it in life and be the childlike explorer that you came here to be.

Sending you big love.