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354 Do Something To Celebrate

Dec 19, 2023 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

When you’re looking back on your year and thinking about the next one, you cannot move forward in earnestness unless you celebrate your successes.

Focusing on what you want versus what you don’t want is powerful.

Focusing on the things that you do well so you can own them and, then knowing where the gaps are so you can add more characteristics or tools.

Look back now on your year and make a big list of everything you can think of that was successful for you.

Your ways of being diligent, joyful, resourceful, whatever those are for you, jot them down.

The ways that you succeeded in creating a balance.

What were your goals for the year?

What did you want and what did you create?

When I look back on my year, I created the first face-to-face retreat.

It wasn’t perfect.

A lot of people had big, big results from the retreat.

But there are things that I wanted to be different.

I have already implemented ways where they will be different.

A part of me would focus on that instead of focusing on the fact that I created an event I never created before. 

I pulled together a wide variety of partners to have that succeed.

I created all the elements that allowed people to enroll themselves and come and have that experience.

I get to look at the success of that instead of looking at what could be better, how will it be better?

Looking at success is an important part of creating momentum for yourself.

I can liken it to if you have a critical parent.

I just raised my hand.

That was me.

My dad was always trying to get us to focus on what we could do better so we could be better.

I’m used to that sort of regimen.

It’s harsh in many ways.

It’s challenging for me to look at my successes.

When I see a success, I quickly say, “Okay.”

How many of you when you get a compliment, don’t allow the compliment to sink in before you move on to something else?

When I give certain people compliments, the compliments bounce right off of their forehead.

They can’t receive those.

When you look at your successes this year, open your spirit.

Make the list.

Review it.

Review those moments of success.

Take them in.

Thank yourself.

Acknowledge yourself as if you’re at a big awards ceremony and each one of your successes is being announced.

They’re calling your name and you’re coming up to receive a major award. (I’m not talking about that lamp from a Christmas story).

You are receiving a trophy or a beautiful engraved crystal piece that signifies your success.

Feel that. 

Take some time today and over the weekend.

Do this over a three or four-day period, making lists of the things that you have succeeded at.

I often have you make note of these.

Look back at your notes, the little victories and the big victories and the personal internal shifting that you needed to do and got to do to create those wins, the discoveries you’ve made, the outward successes you’ve had, and the things you’ve created.

Don’t leave anything out and then do something to celebrate.

Ultimately, I want to challenge you to go to a four-star restaurant.

If you can’t afford to have a meal there at least go in and have a dessert, appetizer, or coffee.

Get dressed up, go to a beautiful place that you see yourself in in the future regularly, and celebrate your victories from this year.

Take a photo as evidence that you celebrated and send it to me.

If you’re in pod coaching, post it in the pod.

This influences your reticular activation system.

We talk about this when we talk about creating with the quantum field.

When you get yourself dressed up, you go into the venues that you would love to frequent on a normal basis, you are acclimating yourself and drawing yourself, like a magnet, to those experiences.

Let’s do double duty on this and go into your year.

Grab out your success stories.

Celebrate them by dressing up and going to a magnificent venue, then stockpiling some new feelings, smells, tastes, and experiences into your reticular activation system.

Expedite your path to your vision.

Have a beautiful day.