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357 Do You Have A Powerful Mindset?

Dec 26, 2023 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

Mindset is everything.

I know that’s a crazy thing to say, because how can one thing be everything?

But the way you choose to think about things and how you operate, how your mind operates, how tenacious you are, and how focused you are, creates or destroys possibilities in your life on a daily and moment-by-moment basis.

I talk about my father regularly and my parents.

They have powerful mindsets.

They make a decision about something, they focus on it, they step towards it, they don’t waver.

It saves a lot of time and energy and it takes them right towards what they want.

What is your mindset?

How would you describe it?

Today I want you to take out a piece of paper and write down five to ten words describing your mindset.

Look at that.

Do you like it?

Is it going to take you towards the vision that you have for yourself if you break down regularly and lose your focus, if you’re easily distracted, if you listen to outside sources, news, negativity, and complaining, and you let that derail you for hours at a time, or if you quit easily?

What are the characteristics of your mindset?

Are those characteristics going to get you where you want to go this year?

I want you to write down ten words that describe the mindset that you’re interested in having, some of those characteristics you may already have, but ten words that are going to describe your mindset for 2024.

Isn’t it interesting how the descriptors for the mindset can also feel like descriptors for ways of being?

Isn’t that one of the biggest reasons why you would take coaching and be in coaching, to keep your mindset powerful when you waver, to have resources that focus you back toward the center of your target, which is your vision?

Have a beautiful day.
