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373 Use This Technique To Neutralize The Resistance

Jan 8, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

Yesterday, I had you stir up and jump into the middle of discontent.

Why did I do that with you?

I want you to feel how strong and gut-wrenching it is.

I can describe this feeling in many words that aren’t positive.

What’s the value of it?

It’s this feeling, this contrast, that causes you to get coaching, take the tools, use the tools, learn something new, and reach out to get more information.

It is a driving force to your next step if you choose to get out of it.

I know from experience that if I stay in that discontent, I cannot attract what I want.

It’s at that time that I reach out for tools.

This is one of my go-to tools.

I meditate or go for a run (an active meditation) or do something like clean the house.

I do something that allows my brain to relax. 

It starts allowing me to be open to daydreaming and receiving new information and thoughts.

A run helps me because I physically exert myself to the point where I’m tired.

I’ve gotten a lot of oxygen up to my brain, and my brain can’t continue to dig in while I’m exerting on that level.

Whatever it takes for you, you choose it.

Once you release, then go into visualization on your vision.

If you don’t have your vision, you need to connect with me, you need to get some coaching and get locked into a powerful vision that draws you forward.

I’ll coach about another time, but not today.

You get to lock into your vision and go beyond it.

Go in it and enjoy what you created.

That’s your private space where no one can laugh at it, or judge it.

You go into your future.

Look back on what you created and how great it feels to have created it, the success in it.

That’s a tool I use regularly.

Last year, when I would wake up scared at times, I would understand that that fear could attract the very things that would keep me from success.

I would meditate.

I would go into my future and look back into my past in that future and feel incredible about what I created.

I would look at myself in that future and see the ways of being that I was embodying, how I looked, and how I carried myself.

I felt the feelings of the people that were around me and my team.

I enjoyed what I had created.

For those of you who’ve been in the community a while, you know that this activates your reticular activation system.

It’s like the magnet within you that calls forward the things that you are thinking about and shows them to you.

I’ve talked about this before.

When you’re thinking about a certain type of car, you start to see it all over the place.

That’s the reticular activation system in action.

I want you to go back today into the emotions of yesterday and use this technique to disperse them, to dispel them, to neutralize them.

Have a beautiful day.