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375 How To Be Perfectly Imperfect

Jan 23, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

I’m not going to say that you are imperfect, because I believe that you and all of us are perfectly imperfect.

I love saying that and thinking about it and embodying it because it’s in the uniqueness that we are each interesting.

If we were all the same and we all functioned perfectly by a certain standard, how exciting would that be?

With that said, I’m leading you into lesson two of five lessons about self-compassion and the inner voice.

It’s about embracing imperfection.

The message for today is that you get to embrace your imperfections and mistakes as part of being the unique human that you are.

I don’t believe in mistakes.

When you look up imperfection and you look up quotes and articles about embracing imperfection, it often talks about mistakes. 

The journey that you take is not a mistake, and it always leads you to additional learning.

When I look back on my whole life, I have no regrets and I haven’t made mistakes.

Is that arrogant?

Perhaps you may think it’s arrogant.

And if it triggers you, if it annoys you, in other words, there’s some great information to look at in there.

You get to tone down that critical inner voice.

The inner voice can sometimes be harsh and unforgiving.

Self-compassion involves the acknowledgment that everyone is on their unique path, which I do not call a mistake or flaw.

I call it a courageous learning and expansion journey.

Everybody is on their own and what looks perfect to somebody is not perfect to somebody else.

The way I need and get to learn is different from the way you may need and get to learn.

It’s about learning and growing from experience and finding that experience joyful, curious, interesting, and fascinating instead of looking for perfection constantly.

Abraham Hicks talks about this every so often and it’s funny to hear.

 You don’t say to a little child that just took their first couple steps and fell over, “Get up you dummy!”

You cheer for the few steps that they just took and encourage them to try again.

What if you did that for yourself?

What would that look like?

What if the fall was a little bit fun and you laughed and got up and tried something different so that you could see if you got further the next time?

Today I am encouraging you to embrace the part of yourself that you might say is imperfect, the part of you that is making mistakes, and reframe those comments to that you are an explorer, heading down a path, adjusting the path as you go, as you get more information.

There’s nothing wrong.

There’s nothing wrong here.

You are on an explorer’s journey.

It is your unique journey.

It may get judgment by others, but as somebody said recently, “It’s not my business what anybody else thinks of me!”

Today’s message is about embracing yourself in the unique journey that you’re on and the unique way that you are on your journey and embracing and taking the journey.

You are a unique being in this multiverse and I want you to embrace your differences, the way that you aren’t like everybody else, and celebrate them.

Omit talking about them as imperfections and mistakes.

They are deliberate steps on a journey you are taking towards your vision.

I love you for the unique being you are. 

Have a beautiful day.