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377 How To Give YOU What YOU Need

Jan 24, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

Have you ever gotten sick, and then beat yourself up while you’re sick because you’re sick?

Have you ever tried something challenging, and then as soon as you had what you considered to be imperfect results, you started beating yourself self up?

What if you were a child in a household like that?

If you were, I’m giving you a big hug.

What kind of results are conditions like that apt to create?

This week is all about lessons that deal with self-compassion and inner voice.

Today’s lesson is about self-support in difficult times, providing comfort and support to yourself when things get tough.

Your inner voice can become critical, especially when things are tough or they’re not going the way you expected.

Compassion with yourself involves offering words of comfort, acknowledging your pain, maybe taking a breath or stopping to do some meditation, phoning a friend, calling your mom, calling your coach, taking a walk in the woods, going out along the lake and listening to the waves or watching the birds.

You get to acknowledge your pain.

You get to acknowledge a direction that you thought was going to work and it didn’t work like you think it would have.

But it doesn’t have to be a judging acknowledgment.

It could just be as simple as, “I thought that was going to work well, and it didn’t. Now What?”

The problem does not reside with the solution.

When you are steeping yourself in the problem and beating yourself up over it, you cannot find yourself in the neighborhood of the solution.

One tool I like to use is to say, “Okay, now what? What could be a possible solution?”

That does a couple of things.

It opens me to shift.

It removes judgment.

It takes me out of that place of judgment and mistake which I can be good at.

It creates ease.

No one needs to be guilty of anything.

Nobody needs to be the bad guy.

You are in the midst of a process.

Difficult times can mean you have an illness in your family or something happens unexpected to someone that you care for.

It could be that you are just breathing deeply and recognizing it’s a difficult time.

It’s challenging.

It doesn’t feel great.

You could give yourself 5 minutes to feel it.

You could make yourself a cup of tea.

What is it that you find to be a beautiful go-to when you need some space to just be for a moment?

Then you can decide because you know you are an attractor with your emotions, you can decide how long you want to allow yourself to stay in those emotions.

Perhaps you need to stay in there a while, depending on what it is.

Staying out of beat up while you’re in there and allowing yourself to care for yourself is what the message is for today – Self-support in difficult times.

Can you do that for yourself?

When you start following the lessons that I’m teaching this week, what do you think your being is going to be feeling about you?

You’re not going to have a misalignment between you and you.

You’re going to feel safe to play.

Your creativity is going to come out to play.

You get to love yourself like I love you.

Have a beautiful day.