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407 You Are A Vibrating String

Mar 20, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

You are a Master Creator created from the energy and substance of the entire Universe.

In the quantum physics realm, in string theory, you are a vibrating string.

Everything around you is a vibrating string.

There is more space than matter and depending on how
the strings vibrate, you see them or don’t, but the universe is filled with vibration.

When you give off any sort of vibration, you are communicating with the Universe.

Everything that ever was connected or close together, has quantum entanglement.

That means that everything is affecting everything.

That’s the long and short of it,

I’ve condensed it for you!

Yesterday’s diagram that I asked you to start filling in, is to get you cognizant of what you are vibrating.

It doesn’t mean your vibration is wrong.

But if you’re not getting the result that you want, you get to look at how you are communicating and what that communication does.

When you can take the gray arrows that are pointing simply to something you’re scared of, and look into that to find out what you’re scared of and why, you can shift that arrow so that it is pointing at the target.

You can use that arrow as a way to get information to shift the trajectory propelled by how you are thinking, talking, and feeling, and therefore, what you’re doing.

I encourage you to work on this diagram.

This could be an ongoing worksheet for you and an ongoing way of thinking.

As you take the arrows that are facing your Vision as you spend more and more time in the energy towards the satisfaction of your Vision, that target will get bigger.

The target that has fear and distraction will get smaller and smaller, but it will always be there.

There will always be contrast.

Spend some time continuing to work and think about the way you think.

Have a beautiful day.