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434 Want To Meditate Together Today?

Apr 30, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

Today, I created a meditation for you.

This can guide you if you would like meditative guidance


Save it to use whenever you wish.

You may want a pad of paper next to you as you meditate, so you can write ideas and hunches that come.

What ways of being are conducive to meditating?

Connected, Easy, Open, Playful, Energized, Stimulated…

It is said that if you can clear your mind for even a minute or two, that resets your vibration for the day and you got what you came for.

Some days you may get a lot of instructions and ideas.

Some days you may simply get a clear space to begin the day.

Whatever comes is perfect.


Sending you love,

Have a beautiful day.

PS. Let me know how this meditation works for you.