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436 Ready To Be Infinite?

May 2, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

I have one favorite meditation from someone other than me, myself and I.

It is one I discovered a few years ago.

It is like the experience of, “Remember Where You Were When?”.

I remember when I first heard it and how my being reacted.

Today I still play it when I can’t quite down myself or when I just want to go big.

Each time, I hear more than the last time.

It reminds me there are no edges on who I am.

It is from Deepak Chopra.

It is called “The Secret of Healing Meditations For Transformation and Higher Consciousness 1”.  (Image Below)

I love everything about it.

I originally found it on YouTube and you can listen to it there.


I since found it and put it into my Spotify playlist.

Listen however you like, replaying it occasionally, following the directions, and letting it reveal more as you grow like a good book.

Enjoy the beauty and weightlessness of this meditation.