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17b. Rewards of Being a Finisher

Hey SpiritRiver community, this is Anne with your coaching for today, your Coaching on the Go. So last coaching episode I talked about when you’re not quite going to succeed in the structure that you decided you were going to. Maybe something’s come up and you’ve ended up changing your calendar or changing the organization of how things are going to happen, but you’ve still allowed yourself to resourcefully stay on the path to completion.

Well, once you’re on the other side of that, I just want to say that you feel so fantastic about yourself. Today, having followed through on restructuring and being resourceful within missing a deadline that was my fault, and it carried over into my team, I had the opportunity to regroup, to continue to stay forward thinking. I was able to be responsible about what I didn’t get in on time with my team, and my team and I rose to the challenge and produced something really beautiful.

So I was able to celebrate my team and celebrate myself, having accomplished a massive amount of work in a two day period, staying up until midnight, getting up at 4 in the morning or 5 in the morning and really staying focused. When I went to bed last night after completing all the work, I felt such an elation that came from me having followed through with myself, my commitments, and just understanding that there is always more. There’s always more in there, there’s always another level that you can get to.

Getting an opportunity to do that, when you do that over and over, pretty soon you just understand that you have that additional level when you need it. And let me tell you, when you’re procrastinating, it feels heavy and it’s tiring, and it takes a lot of energy. When you shift into continuing to move forward and you accomplish what you set out to accomplish, even if it’s not quite on the same timeline or trajectory that you originally planned, you feel so energized on the other side of that. I know that’s why I’ve been able to work these extended hours without getting sick or fatigued. It’s because I’m really excited about the vision of where I’m going and that I’m continuing forward on it.

So the coaching today is wrapped around the benefits, the giant rewards that you get to feel and engage with on the other side of a possible problem or something that has set you back. Instead of quitting, instead of putting it to the side for a week and really missing your deadline, the benefits, the pride, the feelings of elation, the energy that you get, the reinforcement of your possibility as a human that you get from following through and completing, being someone who’s a finisher.

So, I highly recommend it. Today your SpiritRiver coaching is about the rewards of follow through. Practice that and see how it feels. Pretty soon it’s going to be your standard, where continually you’re following through and you’re succeeding. Have a beautiful day, and until next time, sending you some big love.