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340 Being Authentic Is Always Easier

Nov 29, 2023 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

When have you ever gone to step out on your own and then had to deal with criticism and rejection?

Oh, this has been a story in my life.

Early in my life, you know, I felt very unique, but I wanted to fit in it.

When I look back on it, I wasn’t always being authentic.

At certain times I was being authentic, and at other times I was trying to fit in.

What happened over the course of my life, was there were all these different episodes that repeated themselves where I would course correct because I just couldn’t bend any further out of my authentic direction, and then it would shock people around me, and I would feel rejected and criticized.

Now I’m on this straight and narrow path of authenticity.

I don’t face, even in my business here, where I’m taking big risks, criticism, and rejection.

I’m being supported.

I’m giving you a tool right away, off the bat, to deal with criticism and rejection.

Because when you’re stepping into your full, authentic confidence, your authentic knowing, and I take you through many ways to do that, then people can feel that authenticity, and you get supported instead of criticized.

Not by everybody, but by the group that you are surrounding yourself with that’s also moving, that’s moving forward.

It’s so important who you hang out with.

Owning a business means that you get subjected, to your ideas, your thoughts, and your work are subjected to scrutiny.

I’ve always been subjected to scrutiny as an artist.

I got used to it.

It’s one of the benefits of being a studio artist.

It takes courage to handle that criticism.

The sooner you can look at it neutrally as feedback, you can learn from it.

I had my business coach tell me in front of a group of the highest-level people in her coaching program, maybe there were 15 of us, she said it this way on purpose, that I ask stupid questions and that I’m caught in the minutiae.

Then she turned it around and said, I’m a super-intelligent woman, and I can do this certain skill, like creating content for myself and others, like nobody’s business, better than anybody in the entire company, anybody in her coaching proximity.

Because I am evolved in remaining neutral and looking at the message that’s coming through when someone’s talking with me, the feedback, I looked at it, and I looked at her, and I looked at what she was working to communicate with me.

I learned from it.

I stepped through it.

The coaching program I’m creating right now came out of that.

It took a few months, but it came out of there.

I didn’t roll over and feel hurt.

Even though I wouldn’t have used the same method that my coach used, she knows me, and she knows I’ve been through high-level leadership training, so she delivered it in a way that would shock me awake.

It wouldn’t shock me into pain.

If it had shocked me into pain, that would be something that I could look at.

“Why am I triggered by it?”

“Why am I derailed by it?”

Being able to deal with criticism or rejection or even the possibility of it, the fear of dealing with it is so important.

If there’s something that you need support on here, reach out to me.

Have a beautiful day.
