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358 Is The Sea Of Emotion Knocking You Out?

Dec 26, 2023 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

How is your emotional intelligence?

How is your ability to understand and manage your emotions effectively?

It’s a vital skill because your emotions can take you right underwater.

It impacts your relationships, your ability to make decisions, and your overall well-being.

I work with you regularly, underneath all the business talk and up-leveling your life, about your emotional intelligence.

We’re constantly digging into your rules, your structures, how you interpret things, how you handle emotions.

I heard my partner Mike talk about this the other day, when you’re standing in the shallow water in the ocean or one of the Great Lakes, when big waves are coming, if you can turn sideways and let the waves crash from the side, they’ll pass through you.

If you stand and hit them head-on, they’ll knock you over.

When you think about your emotional intelligence this past year and the interior structures that made it difficult for you to function or made it easy for you to function, how would you assess your emotional intelligence?

Are you capable of stepping sideways and letting the waves pass through you?

Are you capable of allowing your emotions to be fleeting and responds to what you’re experiencing, but not being the underlying structure with which you make decisions in your life?

I could give you a lot of coaching on it right now, but what we’re talking about is looking over your past year and preparing yourself for the next.

How much of a player in your life were your emotions this year?

Just take time to assess that and jot some notes on it.

What we’re doing is taking all this information you’ve been gathering and charting a course for the most powerful year you’ve ever had so far.

Have a beautiful day.