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360 How To Review Last Year To Create

Dec 29, 2023 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

In my life, I am constantly interested in never-ending expansion, growth, possibility, and leveling up.

I’m sure you’re here because you are the same.

You have something tapping on your shoulder telling you that there’s more than you’ve been experiencing.

With this next year upon us, this is a fabulous time to use some tools, look back on your last year, and identify and understand the things that have limited you.

I’m going to spend the next nine coaching segments taking you through a process so that when we’re done with that process, we can go into some vision settings and then some quantum vision board experiences.

I want this year to be the most powerful year you’ve ever experienced.

Because I love to coach you, I want my coaching to be one of the reasons that you have been unleashed.

Okay, so there’s some ego in there, but I love supporting people, so I’m just saying it, just putting it out there.

In my life, what I see as I look at where I want to go and what keeps me from it, are patterns that travel back into my early ages.

I’ve said this before to you, but maybe you haven’t heard it.

The structures that most people are operating under were created in vitro up to age five, when your little being, your little ancient being was fresh in this realm.

You were creating meaning and stories based on what you experienced that you are still constantly hung up inside of.

Some of those things worked beautifully and they still work today.

But we all need a system upgrade from time to time.

We need that 50,000-mile checkup and that’s what we’re going to do quickly as we start this new year.

I am going to launch you like a rocket ship into your next year.

Today’s coaching is to prepare you to get your act in order, pull your notes up, pull up your calendar, and get out last year’s goals for each quarter if you created them.

If you didn’t think back to what you wanted at this time last year, get into the workshops that I’m offering.

We’re going to go deep into discovery so when I start vision setting with you, vision casting, you are going to be free and clear to create on a high level.

Today’s call to action:

Gather your calendar, your last year’s New Year’s resolutions, and the goals that you set to complete for this year or each quarter.

Pull all that out so that you’re ready for tomorrow’s first coaching on-the-go lesson that’s going to take you in.

If you started working on this during one of the workshops, go deeper.

It will pay you dividends as we do the next exercises as the year starts.

Have a beautiful day.