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361 Do You See The Patterns?

Dec 29, 2023 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

As you look back last year and for decades prior, what patterns do you see in the way that you operate?

Do you see some consistent obstacles or challenges or setbacks that you encounter that make you say, “That’s how my life is!”?

I used to do that where I would forget what was going on in my calendar.

All of a sudden something changed in my day and before I knew it, I had dropped my calendar completely, and when I came to my senses, realized I had forgotten this appointment or I forgot this commitment.

Over time and deep-seated coaching, I was able to do some discovery around that.

It came from a childhood trauma that caused me to forget when I got under certain pressures.

It was subtle and difficult to discover.

Now that I know about it, I have shifted it and it happens very rarely.

I say that because it’s still in my makeup.

I get to discover when it’s happening and see that it happened again, then use the tools that I developed to get me back into a solid connection with my calendar and my commitments.

Undoubtedly you have things that have taken place in the course of your year that are happening rotely based on decades of imprinted paths.

When I take a path from SpiritRiver down to the cliff, it’s easy for me to take the path that I’ve been using now for about twelve years.

But when I started that new path, the old path was more prominent.

It went down and over the base of an old outhouse and it cut through the exact center of the property.

I wanted to have a more curious path down to the clifftop, so I navigated a new one.

It took me quite a while on the way back up from the cliff to see where the new path was because the old path was so well established.

This is how your behaviors are.

We get used to doing things a certain way.

When you shift and create a new way, you have to be diligent to develop the new pathway for your brain to operate and for your being, your physical being to operate.

When you look back throughout any period, at the end of the year, it’s great to look back at an entire year.

Where do you see patterns that you’ve seen over and over that aren’t working for you?

Where you see them, write them down, because they are going to be the source for powerful coaching that’s going to take you in a new direction for this next year.

When you get this list of patterns, I want you to send it to me, send it to me in an email.

Keep a document of it, either in a Google Drive or somewhere that you can call back on it, and make sure you’re tending to these patterns and shifting them.

Have a beautiful day.