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391 Are You Creating A Compelling Vision?

Feb 27, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

When I talk with you about the three components to creating consistent and incremental expansion for yourself, a fulfilling life, more abundance, more money, and more flow.

There are several reasons why people get caught up and they have a hard time.

I want to spend the next two weeks talking about how to create a compelling vision for yourself, giving you some tools and techniques, giving you some ways to reframe or think about a vision or an intention

I don’t know if this is the chicken or the egg, but sometimes it’s helpful to think about why you want to have a vision, why you are creating a life where you are ever expanding, and why that’s important to you to take some time and reflect on why you’re pursuing the creation of a powerful vision.

Then think about what motivates you.

What impact do you hope to make on your life?

I know these are huge things to think about.

Reconnecting with the underlying purpose of why you’re setting a vision can ignite your passion and your creativity toward it

Here are some questions I’d ask you

“Why can’t you just be happy the way you are right now?”

“Why do you need more?

“Why is it important for you to grow?”

“What are you missing right now that you’d like to have?”

Some people who have a hard time even conjuring up a vision can start by saying,

“I don’t know exactly what I want but I know I want more.”

Then start thinking about what more you want.

What do you want more of?

What are you missing?

Some of you have a pretty good idea of what you would like.

It could start with a money goal.

You could think about the ways that you could generate money.

You could also think about the ways you can collaborate with the quantum field to order what you want and pay attention to the path you get directed on.

Today I want you to take time to think about why you want a Vision.

And if you have one in mind, why are you pursuing this particular vision?

Why is it motivating you?

What is motivating you about it?

What impact do you hope to have?

Alright! Have a beautiful day.