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393 You Have To Be Free

Feb 28, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

Another great way to create a Vision for yourself is to Brainstorm.

When you brainstorm freely like a child or a group of children, it’s open-ended.

There’s no judgment.

There’s no self-criticism.

You allow yourself to be free.

As you brainstorm like this, write down all your ideas, no matter how ridiculous, unrealistic, wild, or irrational.

The most effective, innovative versions of a vision come from this free unconventional play and thinking.

The kinds of things that I could write down if I were going for the biggest vision, would probably feel absurd and those get to be on the paper.

Maybe it’s things like, “I would like to have a million-dollar year.”

“I would like to have a 10-million year.”

“I want to take my entire extended family on a cruise to Alaska.”

“I would like to go to a Michelin-star restaurant every month and have dinner.”

“I would like to purchase a beautiful additional piece for my wardrobe every month”

“I want to have a business that positively impacts thousands of people.”

“I’m going to create a cure for…”

That is brainstorming.

You go to a car dealership, sit in all the cars, and decide which one to put into your vision.

Today’s coaching around vision is to open wide and brainstorm.

At least one-third of those get to be Visionary ideas that seem ridiculous.

All right!

Have a beautiful day!