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395 Do This To Keep It Manageable

Feb 28, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

I’m continuing to talk about creating Vision.

I like to do this at the beginning of the year but I am doing it all year.

Every time something comes up for me that’s exciting that I get an opportunity to think about having more of in my life or making my life more, I throw another version of my vision out.

U through another element out into the future and I live in it.

I imagine it.

I play in it.

Sometimes the vision can be so big that it can stifle the creator of the vision.

You might not know what to do next.

Sometimes it’s not compelling enough so it doesn’t inspire.

Today’s coaching is about having an enormous vision, feeling like it’s an enormous task, and feeling overwhelmed.

What are some of the tools we talk about in this community for when you are feeling overwhelmed?

One is knowing that emotions last for about 90 seconds if you don’t carry them beyond 90, so breathe in…breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

I like to then put my hand on my heart.

It helps me connect with myself.

What is the very first step you can take?

I don’t want to hear, “I don’t know what step”.

Breathe In.

Breathe Out and investigate the one thing you know you could do today to start creating momentum toward your vision.

It could be going to the car dealership.

Maybe you’re driving in a car that you don’t love right now or maybe you do love it, but you want to look around and see what’s available, what else you might like.

You don’t have to be able to afford it right now.

You get to start kicking the can down the road by investigating things that you prefer, things that you like, or things that are tucked into this Vision that you’re creating, you already created.

Focus on defining specific tasks that you can take a baby step on today.

A big vision is created through many baby steps.

Taking incremental steps can help you make progress and build momentum and perhaps realize that this is an incredible project that you’re creating, that you are walking towards with this road map.

You are creating your vision and the joy is in every aspect of creating it.

When you look back on what you’ve created in life, it’s who you became in the process on the way to that Vision, to that Vision manifesting, that is the most indelible part.

The baby steps and opportunities to learn and grow are the most magnificent part.

Then once you are living your vision, you get to feel the accomplishment from all the baby steps you took.

Have a beautiful day.