447 Are You Speaking In Trust?
This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.
When you declare without evidence, you are stating something BiG.
It’s a combination of what you wish for…a step towards the Vision or Intentions you have and going bigger than you think.
When you declare without evidence you throw it all in.
You can say, “By the end of the week I would like to meet a collaborator for my project.”
You don’t know who the collaborator is.
You are declaring it because you would like a collaborator.
You don’t know how it’s going to come and because you don’t know how it calls you to step into collaboration with the quantum field.
It calls you to step into trust.
I always mention to you that you choose the name and identity identifier for that undeniable creative force that is All That Is, that is a name that you know.
God, Universe, Quantum Field…
However you identify with that creative energy, use that identifier so that you are connecting authentically with that energy.
When I was little, I was in the woods a lot.
Our parents took us camping and I knew I was talking to the force of Creation.
People told me that the name for that was God.
I felt a connection with every tree, the beach, the water, Lake Michigan.
I would talk to those entities outright.
Children don’t keep themselves from what’s true.
You decide what that is and speak powerfully to that energy, to that undeniable force.
I Declare Without Evidence because I don’t know how it’s going to happen right now.
It’s bigger than I would declare if I had a to-do list and I was going to say, I’ll get this done for sure by the end of the day.
It takes trust.
It takes an opening.
It takes the ways of being, of stepping into curiosity, neutrality as to how it might happen, and resourcefulness.
Iit also asks you what are you willing to let go of that you know about yourself, to take the hunch or the lead that’s being given, delivered to you, so you can create that declaration.
You can be assisted in a collaborative creative moment with All That Is.
Think about that as you Declare Without Evidence.
It is a stepping off the edge, a safe stepping off the edge.
The only thing you have to deal with is your worthiness and belief about what’s possible.
I will get into those tomorrow.
Have a beautiful day.