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496 Do You Know What To Do Next?

Jul 31, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

One of the easiest things to do to continue moving toward your Vision is to just do the next thing.

It sounds so easy, doesn’t it?

What are some of the reasons you end up unable to do the next thing?

Well, I hear a lot of people talking about overwhelm.

Maybe there are too many things that seem like they’re in front of you and you can’t decide what to do so you feel bogged down to the point where you don’t even know what to do next and you just go do something else.

You become a procrastinator.

Maybe that’s one of your go-to habits.

Maybe you have so many things to do and want it to be perfect, you put them off to the side because it feels overwhelming because you don’t know how you can make “it” perfect.

That’s perfectionism.

The remedy for all of these things is to take the next step.

How can you do that?

I highly recommend connecting with your authentic self.

I support people in doing this through our retreat Otiwote, because often people get to the point where they do not listen to their deep, knowing inner being.

How can you do this NOW in your home or wherever you are?

One of the things you can do is put your hand on your heart and ask yourself, “What should I do next?”

Listen and you will hear an answer.

A second technique I use is in the morning I get up, look at myself in the mirror and I say, “My God, you’re beautiful!”

“I love you.”

“What can I do for you today that would make you happy?”

This is a question that Louise Hay used over time.

I saw it in some of her work and I’ve been using it.

It calls on my most authentic being.

When I say, what can I do to make you happy today?

It doesn’t call on the part of me that will say, “Let’s waste time.”

Every time I ask that, it goes into a deep place where what I’m going to do next could satisfy me.

It could give me a beautiful feeling.

Another thing I find very effective is to, at the end of meditation, pay attention to what I should be doing next in the day.

In addition, at the end of the meditation, I often get ideas for the day.

Another place I get the next step is when I’m cleaning (for some reason).

When I’m unloading my dishwasher and tidying up the kitchen that I love, or straightening things up for some reason that’s a place where I unhook my analytical thinking and have great ideas popping in.

The last spot I’m going to share with you today is on a morning walk in nature or an afternoon walk.

I unhook there.

I will be at a standstill on a project, and get the next step coming in there.

There are other places you can go.

You could talk with a coach, or be in a mastermind where you brainstorm ideas.

When I am looking for an authentic nudge from within, and I trust that is connected to the most powerful energy in creation, I get simple answers on what to do next.

I could be looking at a table full of stuff.

Each pile could be something I could engage in next to move me forward.

I stop and ask.

I feel my way into the best next action.

You get to trust yourself.

If you don’t trust yourself now, this is a way to start building that muscle and I’ve talked about this before, things like feeling thirsty and stopping what you’re doing and going to drink some water is a way you can start reacquainting yourself with your inner voice.

Follow your inner voice.

It is a truth that you can count on.

If you don’t trust it and follow it regularly, you can be confused about which voice is speaking to you there:  fear, guilt, or your next step.

Have a beautiful day.