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499 Are You Feeling It?

Aug 7, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

It never hurts to look over the creative process.

I continue to see it demonstrated by athletes and people who achieved a high level of their craft.

I hear them say things like, “I dreamed it. I envisioned it. I imagined it. I believed it, I said it, I felt it, and I became it.

Tiger Woods talks about the 18th hole of the Masters.

The first time he won.

He mentions that he played that hole over and over and over and over and over.

The day he came up on it, it was already done.

It was something that he was so calm and relaxed about because he had already visualized exactly how it was going to go.

Another athlete who just won Wimbledon just mentioned that he dreamed about winning Wimbledon at age seven.

Then he imagined it.

He visualized it.

He believed it.

He took time to feel what he was envisioning from his head to his toes, and he became it.

Are you dreaming big?

Are you visualizing that dream?

Are you imagining it, seeing it, walking around in it, feeling it, believing it without evidence, not knowing exactly how, but seeing yourself in it, completed?

If you’re doing that, you can’t help but eventually be in the middle of it.

So check your process today.

Make sure you are having fun in this creative process.

Have a beautiful day.