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546 Are you Able to Move?

Nov 25, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

How do you know if you are being truly authentic or not?

You have decades of programming in there.

It’s difficult to see where a person’s authenticity stops and the programming and conditioning that they’ve received since they were born and even before they were born, starts.

To navigate freely it takes trust to step into your next level, try something new, or even just do what you do on a daily basis.

What are the trappings of the physical world that grab at your ankles to hold you?

It can be your house.

It can be a commitment you made or a thought that you would always do some certain thing, and maybe you lived out that chapter and it’s time to open to something else.

Our identities are constantly sending out webs for us to hang on to the past unless our identity is of someone who is constantly moving forward, learning, growing, letting go, and adapting.

My sisters and I are in the process of working with my mom and dad to move them to a beautiful, independent living structure.

My dad, at 100, would like not to live in their home anymore, which surprised a lot of us.

It even surprised my mom because she used to use my dad’s limited vision (partial blindness) as a reason why they would never leave.

She acted like she could leave, but she wouldn’t because of dad, because she was doing dad this favor.

Now Dad removed that excuse.

What we are discovering is she is the one who is embedded in staying in the house.

She has been acting comfortably free and flexible with an excuse.

She is so fearful of leaving that she has put up barriers to entry.

She is not listening.

She is agitated.

She is combatant.

They are not independent anymore.

She thinks they are, but it’s because there are five different children doing things for them regularly on a weekly schedule.

I see how her house and the block that she moved onto when she was 11 have now become (how can I say it?) like kind of like a playpen.

When children were little, you’d put them in a playpen and they couldn’t go beyond that.

Her block has become a sort of trap she can’t leave it.

What I’m here to ask you today is when you think about moving forward on incredible Ideas or visions that you have, and ask yourself if those are truly what you want authentically, what are you willing to let go of?

What trappings you created around yourself have become weights or a prison cell that keep you from moving forward?

What elements in the life that you created are now possibly going to hold you back?

A friend of mine and his wife just sold all of their worldly possessions.

Could you do that?

They decided to open themselves up.

They can feel a huge adventure coming.

They don’t know what the adventure is, but they know they want to be free and ready for it so they sold everything.

They had a hunch to sell everything, and they did.

Could you do that?

Along with the course I took recently, I think about those two, and I wonder, could I leave my house?

Could I leave my things?

Could I sell my things?

Could I take the things that I worked so hard to acquire and let them go so I can continue to move forward?

What rules, beliefs, and structures do I have that will be challenged by that?

I don’t like to waste.

I worked diligently to purchase, for example, the furniture I have.

I got the best furniture and saved up for it so I would have it the rest of my life.

Now I have this furniture.

Do I really have to have it the rest of my life?

What if the thing that I worked so hard to acquire and felt satisfied acquiring is now becoming a block to my future?

Take an audit.

Feel your way around your living space and environment today.

Make note of things you think could be limiters and why.

All right.

Have a beautiful day.