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426 Do You Keep Your Word To Yourself?

Apr 18, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go

I’m hitting yesterday one more time by asking you if you keep your word to yourself.

When you get started on anything that you are going to do…a diet, a change of a habit, the pursuit of a vision or goal if your integrity isn’t clear with yourself, you can set up all sorts of structures, you can make a commitment in the morning as to what you’re gonna do, you can tell people what you’re gonna do, you can tell yourself what you’re going to do, but you won’t follow through.

This week, I want you to take notes on what you notice about yourself and practice integrity.

If it takes having smaller goals to get started, do that.

In the morning declare something you have power and solid intention on, then start moving that declaration bigger and bigger.

Years ago, I was in a transformation coaching program.

We had to declare something big.

The first declaration I made wasn’t thrilling to me.

It wasn’t scary.

Then, I partnered up with somebody and we each went beyond what we ever had done before.

I committed to creating $100,000 of financial abundance in a quarter.

I had never created that much money in a year so to declare that made me gulp hard.

Four-fifths of the way through the three months, I wasn’t even at 15%.

So was my buddy. (birds of a feather!)

Almost everybody else in that group was nearing completion.

She and I were dragging way behind.

As I looked at the situation, I discovered that I was already farther along than I ever had been before.

By shooting big I had already achieved a bigger result than ever before.

I was already winning.

Then I realized that what I was most nervous about was having committed in front of a group of people and not following through.

I realized the worst thing that could happen to me was that I felt stupid.

Then I decided, that if the worst thing that could happen to me, was me feeling embarrassed, I was willing to do that to stretch.

I wanted to see what I could create.

I ended up gathering that 100,000 within 15 minutes of the deadline, but it was still within the day.

I met the $100,000 in those three months.

What are you holding back on because you’re scared to declare it?

That’s my question,

And the other thing is, if you’re gonna start declaring big, you get to have integrity with your daily commitments to yourself.

Stay tuned.

I’ll talk more about what happens when you don’t hit your declarations.

Have a beautiful day.