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431 Can You Be Patient?

Apr 24, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go.

Do you know that it’s normal to fluctuate back toward a behavior that you have been exhibiting for a long time?

It’s fun as you are working on goals and thinking about your Vision, to hear somebody with a strategy and decide you’re going to adopt that strategy into your life.

I remember how exciting it has been to find tool after tool after tool and work to implement those in my life so that I can feel the movement and momentum.

I want to remind you though, that you get to be gentle with yourself through this process because it can take a while before a new way of
conducting yourself, a new mindset, a new path…is worn enough that it’s comfortable and it becomes your go-to.

I can’t even remember how it started, but I shifted from being somebody who slept 8 to 10 hours a day, to somebody who, during the week sleeps five or six hours.

That took quite a bit of time.

If I follow, it went from me wondering what was possible, drinking a lot more water, allowing myself to wake up when I’m not tired anymore, and going to bed when I’m very tired.

It also had me setting my alarm to change my pattern, and then deciding I could wake up on my own.

Now it looks like the end of every month, me having an unstructured calendar so I can either use that time to catch up or take a trip or go up to Spirit River.

It looks like a certain workday where there’s no more than four or five hours of structured work.

And it looks like different days of the week are available for different activities so I don’t have to multitask constantly.

I can focus and be efficient.

Those habits took me five or six years to get into and stick with.

So all this is to remind you that it’s exciting to adopt new habits and
learn about new tools.

Please be gentle with yourself as you keep stepping towards your Vision and the new ways of BE-ing you are adopting and implementing.

Have a beautiful day.