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427 Why Aren’t You Doing The Work?

Apr 19, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go

I’m talking about momentum and integrity.

Are you declaring in the morning?

Are you doing the daily discipline in the Voxer?

If you’re if you are, how is it going for you?

What effect is it having on your day declaring in the morning, talking about the ways of being you get to embody, and setting out on the path embodying the ways of being?

How is it working for you if you are not declaring in the morning (we’re not gonna do this all year, just for now.), why aren’t you declaring?

What’s keeping you from this exercise?

Even when you’re not declaring in the Voxer, most daily planners have a spot at the top for you to share what you’re committed to doing that day, you usually see it as a goal for the day or in your top three goals for the day.

When you get in the habit of thinking about this in the morning with the ways of being that you get to embody, you start your day powerfully with intention.

The days I get up in the morning and go right into my flow, which includes exercise, I have incredible, productive days.

When I get up and I meander around without intention, without declaring an intention, without having a focus, I meander around and waste a lot of time.

What happens in your world when you do not get into a flow?

And what about your operating system, if you’re not reporting in, not creating commitments for the day, not creating intentions for what you’re gonna create today and following through on, what is getting in the way of your integrity with yourself?

Why are you not keeping your word to yourself?

Why is there a gap between what you say and what you do?

Why is there a gap between what you intend to do and what you do?

Dig into that and bring it to your next coaching.

It’s time to switch that and tune up your integrity so that you can create solid momentum in your life.

Have a beautiful day.