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428 What Will You Create This Week?

Apr 22, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go

What are you committed to creating this week?

It’s great to think about things in increments.

What are you focused on creating this week?

It should be bigger than you know you can do and make you uncomfortable.

Keep notes on the feelings you are feeling while declaring.

Remember, these are small, incremental steps on the way to your Vision, so you should have no problem in your pod, proclaiming, and declaring without evidence that these will be done this week.

It could look like this: “I will enroll one new client this week”.

Now you don’t know who that is.

You don’t know how it’s going to happen, but you have some ideas, about how it can.

You know what you need to do to get yourself visible enough to enroll one client.

You have some background information.

When you declare it, it supports you in setting it in motion, setting the smaller things in motion for you to go and be in the vicinity of that new client.

This is just one example.

So, what’s your Vision for this week?

It’s Monday.

What’s your vision?

What incremental step are you committed to creating that you can declare today?

What ways of being will contribute to you creating that?

If you are going to enroll one new client this week for example, what ways of being do you get to step into to have that happen?

Is it confident?

Is it clear?


What are the ways of being that will support you?

Have a beautiful day.