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429 How To Stretch To Create

Apr 22, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go

What does declaring do for you?

For me, it puts me in a position where I have to think differently.

On some level, it can scare me.

On another level, it can open me.

When you go to declare either the evening before or the morning of the day that you are creating how does it shift you?

I want you to take notice today.

When you are declaring in the pod, or on paper if you’re not in the pod, what is it asking of you?

Where is it making you feel uncomfortable?

Where is it shifting you into possibility?

I don’t want you to be shutting down, so take notice of what you are feeling inside when you declare without evidence it can come true.

It should be big enough that you are taking a leap and not so small that it’s just part of a to-do list.

When I have a particular task I’ve been repelling, there’s a challenge in it.

For me to declare that I will create or do half of the task or complete it by the end of the day, could seem like a to-do list.

But if it’s been something that I have been triggered by or challenged by, it’s going to call on additional resources for me.

I get to step into trust.

I get to collaborate with the Quantum Field, God Force, and the Universe and complete that by the end of the day.

It’s not a commonplace request.

What are you experiencing when you go to declare?

If you’re making the declaration too small because you’re nervous you get to get coaching.

Take notes and bring your challenge to Friday Live or your coaching pod if you’re in one.

This is a powerful exercise because it will call you to be bigger.

Whatever hang-ups you are having with it, bring those to me and I will coach you through them.

Have a beautiful day.