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430 Want To Stop The Cycle?

Apr 23, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go

If you find yourself repeating patterns, guess what?

There’s something to uncover.

In one of the last workshops, I had Andy Pancholi speak.

He is on a small global committee that studies historical cycles.

He mathematically looks at cycles and can see how they repeat like clockwork.

– The 90-year war cycle for World War
– Economic highs on years that end in 5

He predicted the start of the Ukrainian war to the exact day.

Everything has cycles.

What cycles do you see repeating in your life?

The cycles Andy studies are geopolitical and economic.

He follows them through history.

I want you to look for the cycles present in your life.

I don’t want you to measure them for the math, but to look at reoccurring cycles that go on in your life for information as you prepare and create throughout the year.

If there are any cycles you don’t want to repeat, let’s unearth why they are occurring so they don’t keep repeating themselves.

What I like to say as a rule of thumb for how to shift an unwanted pattern is, “The quicker the better”.

If you can solve it quickly just thinking about what it (the block or habit) is and decide that maybe it’s outdated, or, it just shift it by thinking of something else or going into a state of appreciation.

If you find that it is cyclical or repetitive, that is a telltale sign that it is deep.

A lot of people in this community have cycles that relate to worthiness and money.

They have cycles of overwhelm which creates perfectionism, and procrastination and it it creates a way to distract oneself so you don’t have to face the fear.

I see a variety of patterns in this community.

It’s natural for them to repeat themselves when you get put under stress.

When you go to start a new quarter, and you have a Big, Bold Vision to “create” by the end of the year sometimes the pressure can start shutting you down.

Take notes on how you’re feeling this week as you embark on your quarterly goals and you’re not just popping in for random coaching, but you’re specific and on the trail of your Vision.

Be self-aware this week.

Throw it into the Voxer or throw it into an email to me if you are finding a particular repeating cycle that you haven’t been able to figure out yet.

I will coach into it there and in our next Friday Live with Anne!

Have a beautiful day.