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420 How to Keep Moving On Your Goals

Apr 9, 2024 | Uncategorized

This is Anne with your Coaching On The Go continuing to give you some pointers as you lock and load on your quarterly goals.

Today. I wanna talk about breaking things down into smaller, manageable goals.

When you do this, it makes your path forward less intimidating and allows you to focus on making progress, step by step.

Now, when you’re working in the quantum field, part of progress, step by step, is taking your quiet time.

You know what you do to allow your mind to shut down so you can feel.

That should be part of your process for navigating this roadmap to your vision.

Don’t forget about that.

Each small step builds confidence and momentum.

If you have quite a number of things that are available to you as next steps, categorize them in order, prioritize those that make sense to go first, and so on.

Create a roadmap for yourself based on what you know.

And of course, you’re giving yourself space to shift, using your hunches and intuition from quiet time.

Seek inspiration.

So the first thing I talked about today is breaking things down.

The second is looking for inspiration from others who’ve had a similar vision or have or who have overcome similar challenges.

Read some success stories.

Watch some inspiring videos or movies.

Connect with mentors.

Plug into people who can inspire you.

I am in a couple of high-level masterminds.

I joined these for this very reason, to get inspiration, to have people who are functioning at a higher level around me so that I can gather clues and inspiration.

I also want you to embrace your failure.

I don’t consider anything a failure.


So when I say embrace your failure, I am asking you to embrace the things that don’t seem to be going your way.

Pull those into an appreciation for you learning what you need to to get where you’re going.

Reflect on what doesn’t seem to be going right for you so you can adjust as if you are doing a very cool science experiment, and keep moving forward, feeling happy and resilient.

You are never going backward.

Even if you have what seems to be a setback, you are learning something and moving forward from that.

You can’t go back.

Today’s coaching is three points.

Break what you know down.

Break your year into three quarters and that three quarters into one quarter, then into baby pieces where you have three months and you have four weeks in those months.

The second one is to seek inspiration.

Don’t work in a vacuum.

Look outside yourself for great things that have worked that are inspiring you and pulling you forward.

Anything that seems like a setback, even procrastination, if you’re able to, and when you’re able to figure that out and move forward, that is the growth you need to get to the next level.

Embrace that as part of forward movement, in your journey.

Have a beautiful day.